Dieses Jahr sind wir wirklich im Brettspielfieber. Die Bewertungen gibt es jetzt als Temperatur im Wertebereich von 36° (ziemlich unterkühlt) bis 41° (heiß - so richtig im Brettspielfieber). Wir sammeln auf den Events des Brettspielfieber Bewertungen für die Spiele, die vor Ort gespielt wurden.
41.0° | Sagrada (3 Votes) | |
41.0° | Five Tribes (3 Votes) | |
40.9° | 5-Minute-Mystery (7 Votes) | |
40.7° | Sushi Dice (9 Votes) | |
40.6° | Art Box (11 Votes) | |
40.6° | Zug um Zug Europa (7 Votes) | |
40.5° | Push (6 Votes) | |
40.5° | Der Kartograph (4 Votes) | |
40.5° | Qwirkle (3 Votes) | |
40.4° | Die Insel der Katzen (5 Votes) | |
40.3° | Hitster - Das Musik-Partyspiel (24 Votes) | |
40.3° | Mycelia (21 Votes) | |
40.3° | Mantis (12 Votes) | |
40.3° | Ghost Writer (6 Votes) | |
40.3° | Die Abenteuer des Robin Hood (4 Votes) | |
40.3° | Captain Sonar (4 Votes) | |
40.3° | Overbooked (3 Votes) | |
40.3° | Micro Macro Full House (3 Votes) | |
40.3° | Micro Macro - Crime City All in (3 Votes) | |
40.1° | Zug um Zug (13 Votes) | |
40.1° | Cabo (10 Votes) | |
40.1° | Wanderlust (10 Votes) | |
40.1° | Trio (7 Votes) | |
40.1° | Chai (6 Votes) | |
40.0° | Mysterium (4 Votes) | |
40.0° | That's not a hat (93 Votes) | |
40.0° | Durchmarsch (4 Votes) | |
40.0° | Faultier (3 Votes) | |
40.0° | Azul (3 Votes) | |
40.0° | 7 Wonders Architects (3 Votes) | |
40.0° | Get it! (3 Votes) | |
39.9° | Codenames Pictures (7 Votes) | |
39.9° | Die wandelnden Türme (44 Votes) | |
39.9° | Nunatak Tempel aus Eis (11 Votes) | |
39.8° | Dobble connect (20 Votes) | |
39.8° | Mlem Die Astrokatzen (15 Votes) | |
39.8° | Killercruise (11 Votes) | |
39.8° | New York Zoo (5 Votes) | |
39.7° | Sattgrün (26 Votes) | |
39.7° | Würfelkönig Das Brettspiel (22 Votes) | |
39.7° | Team 3 (13 Votes) | |
39.7° | The Key Mord im Oakdale Club (9 Votes) | |
39.7° | Die Quacksalber von Quedlinburg (7 Votes) | |
39.6° | Drachenhüter (17 Votes) | |
39.6° | 7 Wonders (8 Votes) | |
39.5° | Flotter Otter (6 Votes) | |
39.5° | Die verlorenen Ruinen von Arnak (5 Votes) | |
39.5° | Wizard (4 Votes) | |
39.5° | Trails (4 Votes) | |
39.4° | Total Regal (18 Votes) | |
39.4° | Comet (15 Votes) | |
39.3° | Tipperary (22 Votes) | |
39.3° | 13 Indizien (8 Votes) | |
39.3° | Tuki (8 Votes) | |
39.2° | Cascadia (14 Votes) | |
39.2° | Pictures (11 Votes) | |
39.2° | Ku Ka König (11 Votes) | |
39.2° | Bandida (3 Votes) | |
39.1° | Challengers (38 Votes) | |
39.1° | At the office (23 Votes) | |
39.1° | 5 towers (22 Votes) | |
39.1° | Ökosystem (15 Votes) | |
39.0° | Dorfromantik (70 Votes) | |
39.0° | Draftosaurus (7 Votes) | |
39.0° | Flourish (5 Votes) | |
38.9° | Pan's Island (4 Votes) | |
38.8° | Next Station London (8 Votes) | |
38.8° | Velomino (4 Votes) | |
38.7° | Heat (18 Votes) | |
38.7° | Fun Facts (11 Votes) | |
38.7° | Sixto (5 Votes) | |
38.6° | Paleo (7 Votes) | |
38.5° | Tick…Tack…Bumm (11 Votes) | |
38.5° | Zug um Zug Berlin (8 Votes) | |
38.5° | 5-Minute Dungeon (4 Votes) | |
38.4° | Hand to Hand Wombat (24 Votes) | |
38.4° | Color Brain (9 Votes) | |
38.3° | Stichelkönig (11 Votes) | |
38.3° | Port Royal Das Würfelspiel (5 Votes) | |
38.3° | Meadow Im Reich der Natur (3 Votes) | |
38.2° | Bandido (10 Votes) | |
41.0° | Party & Co - Junior (8 Votes) | |
40.8° | Gigamon (5 Votes) | |
40.5° | Stratego - Junior (8 Votes) | |
40.4° | Zoowaboo (7 Votes) | |
40.3° | Spy Guy Deutschland (14 Votes) | |
40.0° | Spinderella (3 Votes) | |
40.0° | Burg Flatterstein (23 Votes) | |
40.0° | Tier auf Tier Das große Abenteuer (3 Votes) | |
40.0° | Titus Tentakel (3 Votes) | |
39.9° | Zug um Zug Gruselfahrt (5 Votes) | |
39.8° | Dodo (32 Votes) | |
39.8° | Dino Draft (28 Votes) | |
39.8° | Unlock! Kids (6 Votes) | |
39.8° | Halli Galli (5 Votes) | |
39.8° | Crash Cup Karambolage (4 Votes) | |
39.7° | Mysterium Kids Der Schatz von Kapitän Buh (20 Votes) | |
39.7° | Fish & Katz (9 Votes) | |
39.6° | Fuchs du hast das Huhn gestohlen (5 Votes) | |
39.3° | Carla Caramel (26 Votes) | |
39.3° | DouZanimo (19 Votes) | |
39.3° | Käpt'n Pepe Schatz Ahoi! (3 Votes) | |
39.2° | Zauberberg (10 Votes) | |
39.1° | Kugelblitz Tornado (29 Votes) | |
39.1° | Da Bockt der Bär (7 Votes) | |
39.1° | Fish 'n shark (7 Votes) | |
39.0° | Wunder Kessel (3 Votes) | |
39.0° | Hempels Sofa (3 Votes) | |
38.9° | Constellations (13 Votes) | |
38.5° | Holterdipolter (4 Votes) | |
38.5° | Speedy Roll (11 Votes) | |
38.5° | Sumsalabim (6 Votes) | |
38.5° | Gewimmel im Dschungel (4 Votes) | |
38.4° | Drachenturm (7 Votes) | |
38.3° | Llamas & Alpacas (5 Votes) | |
38.0° | Magic Hat (3 Votes) | |
37.9° | Die Villa der Vampire (10 Votes) | |
37.9° | Woolfy (4 Votes) | |
37.8° | Geister, Geister, Schatzsuchmeister (4 Votes) | |
37.8° | Planken Plumser (4 Votes) | |
40.3° | Zombicide (3 Votes) | |
40.3° | Funkenschlag (15 Votes) | |
40.3° | Altiplano (3 Votes) | |
40.2° | Tiletum (11 Votes) | |
40.0° | Istanbul (2 Votes) | |
40.0° | Karvi (8 Votes) | |
39.9° | Mischwald (47 Votes) | |
39.8° | Planet unknown (15 Votes) | |
39.8° | Moorland (8 Votes) | |
39.8° | Revive (7 Votes) | |
39.8° | Tribes (6 Votes) | |
39.8° | Tribes of the wind (5 Votes) | |
39.7° | Waterfall Park (33 Votes) | |
39.6° | Smallworld (12 Votes) | |
39.4° | Flügelschlag (7 Votes) | |
39.2° | Iki (6 Votes) | |
38.6° | Erde (5 Votes) | |
37.6° | Aelos (6 Votes) | |
37.0° | Stratego (2 Votes) | |
41.0° | Terra Mystika (2 Votes) | |
40.4° | Arche Nova (7 Votes) | |
40.0° | Dinosaur Island (2 Votes) | |
39.8° | Die weiße Burg (14 Votes) | |
39.2° | Expeditions (13 Votes) | |
39.0° | Age of Innovation (7 Votes) | |